Navigating Through the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic with Cannabis

As we all deal with the coronavirus pandemic, I have given much thought to the advantages of using cannabis in various ways to protect yourself and take advantage of your endocannabinoid system.  As a reminder, your internal endocannabinoid system is responsible for maintaining your body’s homeostasis at the cellular level. This means it controls almost every human system we have especially the inflammatory and immune systems.  The early understanding of the virus is that it causes inflammation within our lungs that creates the difficulty in breathing and the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, leading to respiratory failure and death.

Since we all have an endocannabinoid system, it is of utmost importance to make this “machine” work optimally.  I have written an article about how to optimize your endocannabinoid system.

CBD works a bit differently than THC on our endocannabinoid system.  CBD essentially asks our cells to release our cannabinoid molecules to enhance the immune and inflammatory system, by doing so, it decreases the release of the inflammatory cytokines and therefore causes an anti- inflammatory effect and it asks the immune system to work as well as it can to fight infections.  I recommend at least 50 mg per day of CBD. Watch the video below as I describe the effectiveness of CBD.

THC functions more like a key and lock situation, whereby it turns the lock to allow for release of neurotransmitters and other molecules in the body to work on different systems but mainly works on the brain.

I have taught my patients for over a year now to make a “tea” from their cannabis flower.  You can see this guide in this video.

The advantage of the tea is to extract THCA and CBDA from the plant, these have been shown to be very anti-inflammatory as well as neuroprotective.  The tea does not cause a high so it can be made several times throughout the day.

I recommend discretion with inhalation techniques and trying alternative routes of administration since they are readily available just as a precaution to protect your lungs.

If anyone needs CBD, our OptiHeal gel caps are available, just call our office and we will be more than happy to mail your products.  You do not have to be a medical marijuana patient to use our products.

Please call 727-202-4325.

Please continue to use social distancing and remember we are available for telemedicine follow-up visits during this time as long as the DOH allows.