Marijuana and Seizures: Can Cannabis Treat Seizures?

As more than 25% of people now say that they’ve tried CBD in some form or fashion, the medicinal impacts of marijuana are mainstream. This was spurred along because of some research done with marijuana and seizures, including its ability to treat conditions other meds couldn’t. This has had a powerful impact on the medical industry and in the lives of people who suffer seizures.

Here’s everything that you need to know about marijuana and seizures.

Marijuana and Seizure Disorders

In recent years, medical marijuana has been touted as a powerful solution for many different issues. Seizures have been one of the most prominent disorders that marijuana has been named as able to treat. Where other types of medication fail to meet the needs of people who suffer from debilitating and dangerous seizures, marijuana can be a godsend.

There was a lot of attention years ago given to the fact that it was found that children were some of the most prominent beneficiaries of this method. By eliminating seizures, kids could stay safe and develop without obstacles. Where a lot was made about giving marijuana to children, the truth is that the FDA was actually looking into the CBD component of marijuana.

By removing THC, the mind-altering psychoactive impacts are jettisoned while what’s left retains powerful CBD. CBD is able to help people with seizures without impairing their ability to drive, think clearly, or perform complex tasks. Some people have noted a dramatic drop in seizure incidents after taking this drug.

Understanding Epilepsy

One of the most common neurological issues that cause people to suffer seizures is epilepsy. Epilepsy is defined by a recurrent jolt of electrical activity in the brain. Some sufferers describe it as a lighting storm inside their heads.

During a seizure, there’s a disruption in messaging between brain cells. Despite the decades of powerful research, there aren’t enough good options for people looking to treat their condition. With the introduction of research on marijuana and epilepsy, more people with the condition are getting help without dealing with side effects.

One of the great benefits of research into epilepsy and marijuana is that it’s opened up the door for other treatments. Many stakeholders want to see growth in epileptic treatments from marijuana because of what it can mean for other treatments.

It’s important to consider what we’ve learned about marijuana and epilepsy to understand how it can treat other adjacent ailments.

Current Trends in Treatment

CBD is just one of the “cannabinoids” found inside of marijuana. These elements can be separated out and used to treat different issues. CBD and THC are just two of them but are considered the main ones.

The current run of studies on CBD has resulted in the creation of a drug called Epidolex. This is derived mainly of CBD and is an oil-based extract. The FDA has given permission to epilepsy centers around the country to give this out to a limited number of patients.

This is a much better choice than self-medicating with marijuana. When you take marijuana on its own, there’s no way to know what you’re getting. With CBD, you get a scientifically balanced and managed treatment that’s been laboratory approved.

When you take an FDA approved medication, you also ensure that the drug interactions are well known. Seizure sufferers won’t have to worry that this medication is having a negative impact on other medication.

However, some people may prefer to use medical marijuana to treat seizures. With the guidance of a medical professional, there’s no reason to avoid looking into this as a possibility.

Getting Medical Marijuana

In order to receive approval for medical marijuana, you’ll need to speak with a licensed medical professional. Not every doctor in every state that has approved medical marijuana can offer it as an option.

You need to have a record showing that you have a medical condition that qualifies for this use. Thankfully, most every state has “seizures” right at the top of the list of treatments that medical marijuana can help with.

In order to go pick up your medication, you may have to get yourself a medical marijuana ID card. This requires you to fille with the state and go to the office that handles those registrations.

Once you have that card, you can walk into any dispensary and get what you need. Depending on the state, your doctor may have to call ahead like with any normal pharmacy.

What FDA Approval Entails

The FDA has approved a wide variety of products to be taken as medical marijuana. While the old-fashioned way of smoking it is still possible, not everyone wants to deal with “flower”, as the plant-based form is called.

A vaporizer will turn the plant into a mist, which is easier for some with lung conditions to handle. Otherwise, medical marijuana can be ingested via a snack or candy, gummy, brownie, or lollipop.

The FDA has even approved lotions, oils, and creams. A tincture placed under your tongue is another way that some people prefer to take medical marijuana.

Dronabinol and Nabilone are two of the most common man-made FDA approved medicines. They help with nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy. Now that Epidiolex has been on the market for a while, we’ll see more people taking it to deal with seizures.

Research on Marijuana and Seizures Continues

As more success is achieved in the study of marijuana and seizures, funding will increase. One of the major obstacles is the fact that marijuana is still in a high class on the federal list of illegal drugs.

Check out our coverage on the increase in studies covering marijuana and mental health.